Develop Your Export Business

  • 1 September 2021
  • News
Develop Your Export Business

Starting on 7th September, The Local Enterprise Office Network and Enterprise Ireland will host the Export Compass Series, helping small businesses to explore the option of exporting.

These free, one hour, online seminars will take place every Tuesday morning at 10.00am for 5 weeks

Each week the seminars will address different themes i.e. developing an export plan, identifying customers, preparing for export, sales and marketing strategies, financing your exports and pricing your products.

The series aims to help business owners to overcome the challenges of the pandemic by understanding overseas business cultures, building digital capabilities for selling and developing customer, distributor and partner relationships.

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Arrange an appointment today and speak directly with Francis Verling. Appointments can be arranged in 45 minute slots and can be conducted by telephone, mobile phone , table, desktop - whichever method you are most comfortable with. Use the button below to book your next appointment and progress your business idea or tackle your biggest challenge. Your success is our motivation!
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